Sensual massage for women

Sensual massage for women

Get ready: it’s deep work.

Deeply pleasurable, for sure, but also jagged, unpredictable and open-ended.

Certainly you will feel warmth, care, and soft clarity. These feelings are a given in this work.

But you might also feel loss, confusion, sadness, and a crack in your armour.

Do you want to know yourself or not?

The mind controls, but the body surrenders.

And it’s surrender that we all crave.

Surrender to beauty, to calm, to the unity of all things.

Most of us have no conception of what deep, immersive touch feels like, such is the barren landscape of modern life.

Tinder culture makes people into consumers, not lovers.

We need reverence.


I do touch as a form of devotion.

I want you to fall backwards into yourself, if only for a few hours.

When is the last time touch moved you, like a beautiful film or a piece of music?

Deep touch, on the other hand,

…can turn you upside down,

…crack you open,

….and make you quiver like a leaf,

exposing all the softest and most delicate music you hold inside of you.

When this happens, you get so quiet that you can hear the universe’s most basic hum.

It’s glorious.

But it can also be laborious.

It might even chagrin you that your lover or partner hasn’t seen this part of you, or made you feel this way.

And it might demand some changes from you on the car ride home.

You’re ok with that, right?


Can you put your phone down for two hours and see the world?

Your world?

The world within worlds inside of you.

I am going to bathe you in pleasure and treasure.

Are you ready?

Can you surrender?

Will you?

I welcome you.

Read what people have said about the experience. Or read about what might happen afterwords. Or go to the booking page

“Cameron’s practice is a generous and life-shifting gift: an authentically safe and open space to celebrate, weep, breathe, heal, experience the divine and be challenged into letting your heart and body break more fully open to the limitless love that you are.”

Heather Barclay