
Because you're hungry for touch and aren’t happy with what passes for touch in the culture these days.

Many of the people who come to me haven't been touched in years, or at all, or properly, and once touched have some imprint of what touch might be if it was approached with some combination of art, soul, and devotion.

Because you want to understand what it is to be properly touched, consciously, skillfully, so you have some "standard of touch" moving forward, to either reproduce in your life, or spread to others. Most women complain that men don't touch them properly, or long enough, or outside of lovemaking. To experience deep, immersive touch is to have some idea of what is actually possible

Because you're in your head too much, or your nervous system is in peak response mode from too much screen time. Deep touch switches your nervous system from always "on" (sympathetic) to "off" (parasympathetic), which allows "cooling" of your nerves and restoration of an "energy bank."  

Because your senses are out of whack from too much visual stimuli. Marshall McLuhan, the media theorist, postulated that when you adapt to any environment, you alter the ratio of your senses, and the prevailing medium of an era will drive how we perceive the world. In practice this means we are in a highly visual era, and our other under-used senses such as touch shrivel in response because we're on screens so much. Deep touch can restore these ratios to their proper balance, and change how you view and act in your life. The addictive tendency of screens melts under the weight of meaningful touch. 

Because you're tired of inhabiting a frozen smile while your body starves. Social media creates an unbearable weight of forced positivity and fakeness, and the body and soul whither and become sad under such pressure. Sensual massage will provoke you back to a more balanced and realistic range of emotions. You'll only smile when it's authentic, and you'll become a little more comfortable with sadness and your hard-earned pain. paradoxically, this will make you happier overall. 

Because you feel "out of your body" and don't know why or how to get back there. Deep touch cracks facades and introduces you to your most elemental self. 

Because you are having difficulty with orgasm and no one told you that orgasm is the product of all of you. Your thoughts, your comfort, what you eat, the drugs you take, your self-esteem, your levels of trust with a partner–these and 100 other things factor in to how you experience deep pleasure and treasure. Proper touch can take off your armour, activate your higher self, make the hidden visible, push the superficial into the background, and make you comfortable with the skin you're in (not your idealized self). From there pleasure literally can take you off a cliff. 

Because you want to understand the healthy benefits of "surrender" in the context of touch. Paradoxically, to surrender for two hours to the choreography of skilled touch is to gain energy and possibility, not lose it. To risk your own surrender is to risk a leap towards your highest power. 

Because you want to experience something that is truly beautiful and beyond words. Our lives are often very rational, and artistic experiences are few-and-far-between these days. To give yourself over to beauty if only for a brief moment is to listen to the deep longings of your soul, and feel wordless, breathless. This feeling will seep into other parts of your life. If anything, you will realize that we spend far too much time talking and talking–about everything–and not enough time feeling. To be without words in a culture of constant chatter is to live in a better place. Silence takes you to mystical places. 

Because you want to understand the continuum between the sensual and the erotic and what separates these planets and under what conditions. Unlike men who are often easily aroused, women generally need intimacy, safety, and storied context to become fully aroused, and so this type of touch is about slowness, ritual, and awareness. This reframes women's pleasure as being the product of ecologies, or environments, not of specific actions.

With consent and comfort, you can fly as high as you choose to, past separation and silly arbitrary divides. In my world, the back of your knees carefully brushed with oil can move from sensual to erotic in an instant, and what is normally highly erotic can be made just delicately sensual and reflective by turn. To arouse someone with a straight line is easy. To paint a slowly etched circle that takes into body, mind, and soul is infinitely more difficult and therefore meaningful.

Because you have feelings of shame in your body from a culture that values parts, rather than the whole. It is hard to be ashamed of your body when you experience deep and conscious pleasure in it. The conditions of this experience have nothing at all to do with the regular and narrow ways that we experience our bodies, because sensual touch is holistic, emotional and contextual. There are no "good" bodies or "bad" bodies, too "fat" or too "skinny." There is only freedom in *your* body, which is individualistic and the product of your awareness and response to the touch. It is intoxicatingly freeing to shed silly cultural constructs of health and beauty, and tap deeply into your own standard of beauty, as jagged and non-linear the journey can be. 

Because you come from a religious background that has minimized and often demonized women's pleasure out of fear of its power. This is why the touch pushes you to feel the artist, animal and goddess in you, so you can experience yourself as a full human being rather than a facade or parts, and without the judgemental eye of the outside world. 

There is no normal in what I do, and the reasons for coming for a massage go from simple pleasure-seeking to the desire to be deeply and passionately moved. The power of this experience is that it meets you where you are and takes you to where you long to be. 

Because pleasure heals.